Cottonwood Software

Windows Utilities for Power-Users


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File-Ex v.3

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Ordering Information

Online Ordering:

To order a product online with your credit card, use the appropriate "order" link below to get to the order form. Secure Server ordering is supported. You will receive a registration code (to unlock the trial version) by E-mail, usually within 24 hours, and often on the same day.

If you don't need a disk mailed and want registration information by E-mail only, be sure to check the "E-mail registration" box on the order form. Shipping and handling will not be charged for E-mail registrations (but you will need to download the trial version from here if you haven't already).

Full 30-day money-back guarantee on all poducts!

Products currently available:

Note: Arizona residents add 9.8% sales tax

Mail, Phone, or FAX ordering:

For general order information, see Offline Ordering below.


If you are upgrading from a previous version, please see the Upgrade Offers page.

Offline Ordering Information

To order by mail, send your order to:

Cottonwood Software
P.O. Box 657
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Cash, checks and money orders: All prices shown are in U.S. dollars. Checks and money orders must be in U.S. funds. U.S. currency is also accepted. If necessary, you may order with other currency using fair exchange rates, but please add the equivalent of US$10 to cover currency conversion costs.

Orders are usually shipped within 24 hours.

Click here for complete pricing information, including site licenses

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If you have any problems, comments, or questions, please E-mail us!

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