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Windows Utilities for Power-Users


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File-Ex v.3

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Freqently Asked Questions

Q: How can File-Ex help me?

A: If you use any Windows programs in which you open or save files (documents, pictures, etc.), then File-Ex will save you a lot of time and make file management easier. For more information, go to the File-Ex summary page

Q: I installed it, but I don't see anything different in my file dialogs. What happened?

A: Most likely this is because you're using a Microsoft Office application, and most of those don't use the "common" file dialogs. Don't worry, File-Ex can work with it anyway, though Training. We've already done the training for you in most cases -- just go to Configuration, Trained Dialogs, and click the Import button. Select the version of Office you're using, and all of the dialogs will now be trained to work with File-Ex.

If this didn't solve the problem, there are more detailed situations covered on the Known Issues and Solutions page

Q: I don't think I do much file management. Is File-Ex really worthwhile?

A: If you use any program that requires opening or saving work files (data, text, pictures, etc.), then File-Ex will make your work easier because it automatically enhances your existing programs. It's actually difficult to explain how this can help the average user, but please take a pictorial tour if you haven't seen File-Ex in action. The best advice is to download it and try it for free, and then decide yourself after 30 days of using it.

Q: Will File-Ex do anything to my computer like replace operating system files?

A: No, File-Ex does not replace any files on your computer. Even though it operates as a system enhancment, it does so "from the sidelines" using something called "system hooks". This is the same way many other programs operate, such as keyboard/mouse macro programs, Norton Utilities, mouse enhancement drivers, Clipboard extenders, etc. In fact, you can turn File-Ex on and off easily from its menu, or simply shut it down if you like, which completely removes it from memory. And of course it includes an Uninstall utility in case you want to remove it for good.

Q: Are all of your products Year 2000 compliant?

A: Yes! The only thing File-Ex does with dates is display them in its "Information" line, and it gets these dates directly from the operating system.

Q: I would like to be a beta-tester (test new products before they are released) -- how do I sign up?

A: All registered customers with a current E-mail address in our database are automatically offered a chance to beta-test new releases. (Sorry, we can't handle the beta-testing by phone or postal mail.) Make sure we have your latest E-mail address!

Q: There's a certain feature I wish the program had. Can you add it for me?

A: We keep a wish-list of enhancement ideas for future reference. If the idea is popular, we will probably add it in a later release, which is usually a free upgrade to registered users.

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